Do you feel some days totally surprised by something, taken off guard and shocked that something didn’t cross your radar at all?
I believe we all have those days , and I for one , am not wild about it , unless it’s really a positive outcome and gift; and there are a number that don’t feel like a gift at the time.
A positive reaction is likely a result of one’s outlook, attitude, faith in some thing or someone , letting go and embracing the new found opportunity.
My focus in writing this is about the uncomfortable , unnerving total surprises and how , perhaps , to minimize or anticipate those moments , lessening the shock.
If I may , let me explore what I will call circle of awareness and fighting our human tendencies to follow past patterns.
In doing some reading and studying about some recent tragedies, man-made or natural and how to identify warning signs and indicators, there are often signs we aren’t looking for, didn’t take seriously and to which we were completely oblivious .
Our quest for data and facts and more specifically our focus ebbs and flows.
While taking a course on anti-terrorism offered by The Department of Homeland Security , I find it points out the many signs to observe; unusual behavior, signs of stress, amassing resources that aren’t relevant to normal daily life ,work and community and shifting schedules .
This circle of awareness can be relevant around public places, crowds, events, consideration of general news;
we have first responders doing this formally , but we all have a responsibility to help , if we are able and be a bit more aware.
Another perspective is a book I am reading called , “Think Like A Freak” , by Levitt and Dubner.
Several examples:
”Knowing what to measure and how to measure it can make a complicated world less so.
“Conventional wisdom is often wrong.”
“Correlation does not equal causality.”
They have written several books on it , so I won’t elaborate , but suffice to say we can educate, retrain ourselves and build our circle of understanding and awareness in many areas.
Unlike the movie , “Pretty Woman” , when Richard Gere , the successful businessman , says people rarely surprise him and Julia Roberts says , “you’re lucky , they usually shock the hell out of me !”
Identify your focus, vocations , passions and build circles of awareness, assess and refresh, be open to expanding or eliminating circles and choosing new ones.
Make life happen for you and be better prepared, disciplined , educated when something surprises the hell out of you.
You just might make a better life , if not , in fact, save a life .